M & W Designs

Travel Stickers and Other Products

M&W Design is more than a company focused on creating keepsakes and apparel. It embodies a profound care for the planet and a dedication to sustainable living. The founder has a background in the scrap metal industry, where firsthand exposure to recycling and reusing sparked a passion to craft meaningful products aligned with core values.

The team at M&W Design aims to challenge conventions. Despite being labeled as unconventional thinkers, they believe that this unconventional approach is key to driving positive change in the world. Sustainability is not just a trendy term for them; it is deeply ingrained in every aspect of their operations, from sourcing materials to production to packaging.

Their creations are not mere products destined for disposal but rather treasures meant to be valued and become part of the customer's life narrative. These keepsakes symbolize a conscious decision to treat the earth with kindness.

M&W Design celebrates their unique path — one characterized by joy, activity, and a profound love for the environment. They strive to create memories as pure and exhilarating as a day spent in the mountains while working towards a better world for all.